
We replaced the faucets in the kitchen and the bath with much improved models. The things we disliked about the old ones:

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Dim Toad Lights

After getting our tow bar and brake system installed, we found that the toad lights were very dim, both the brake and turn lights. We spent several days trying various options to get this to work until victory was ours. Our “fun” on this project was enhanced by knowing we had a big vacation planned just a few days away.

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Banks PowerPack

We have a PowerPack and Transcommand on our ‘99 30’ V10. They made a very noticeable improvement in power, hill climbing, better shifting (less hunting and more “crisp” shifts), and the engine runs much cooler. We felt it was worth it, even if it WAS expensive, for the secure passing and hill climbing ability.

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Suspension Changes

One of the first improvements we made on our E450 based chassis, was to change a some suspension components. During the drive back from Las Vegas the body roll and steering wheel rut tracking made the trip quite exhausting. We made two changes.

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Lazy Daze Pickup

Below are some photos of our rig we took during our purchase trip to Las Vegas. Yeah, Vegas Baby. We first went to look at it on June 11, and then returned a few days later to pick it up! You can look through these and then see all the updates we made over time.

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