Winding it down, the last few days

Just a few more days here in north central Kentucky before we start the trek home. In keeping with that country spirit, we’ve enjoyed some lazy days (not to be confused with the folks’ first RV, a Lazy Daze).
The folks have hit a few of their favorite nearby places. In our opinion, the best so far has been their stop at Old Kentucky Chocolates, where they got us some white chocolate dipped biscuits (for those who don’t know, regular chocolate is toxic to those of the canine persuasion, but white chocolate is A-OK). Those were some good biscuits and we vote for a homemade version using tasty Flint River Ranch biscuits and Barry Callebaut white chocolate, both of which Mom has on hand!
They also got some items for themselves, but since they won’t share, we can’t offer comment, although Dad’s butt seems to be getting bigger. The second best (according to Bentley anyway) was the annual visit to Midway, where Mom bought some special face goop she likes from Kathy at Soapwerks and Dad found a jumbo Air Dog dumbell for Bentley. I’m not sure which is the bigger dumbell, though, the toy or the Puppy….
They also came home with some really unusual leftovers. A few years ago they were introduced to a unique appetizer here in Kentucky. The restaurant where they first had it has changed the menu. Now, once they can’t find something they want they get as frantic as Bentley looking for his ball. That meant everywhere they went, they asked the locals where to find their prize and drew nothing but blank stares. Finally, a web search turned up a nearby restaurant where one of the top sellers is the Frickles. Yes, that’s fried pickles. Batter dipped and deep fried until GB&D; (golden brown and delicious) and served with ranch dressing.

Today they drove to Louisville to check out some tourist sites. They looked in on the Science Center, but it was very crowded with some screaming, shrieking children’s groups, so they headed over to a glass studio called Glassworks to watch a couple of artisans work with very hot temperatures and very molten glass.

With the carnies long gone, we thought our stay here would be boring, but thanks to Camping World it got a bit “interesting”. Suffice it to say their installation team leaves a little to be desired, the Splendide parts dude Mark rocks, and Bentley got to help Dad replace a leaking hose and reinstall the washing machine after its hulking mass sat in the middle of the bathroom for a few days, making things a little cramped for all of us.
The Blue Dog in the Bluegrass State