Who ordered winter?
We’re about 3/4 of the way through our stay here in Santa Fe, and were quite shocked when we got up this morning. It was only 25 degrees out! That makes it really hard to do your business, when everything is all clamped down tight!
The folks, however, were not caught off guard like we were. Dad took measures to make sure our fresh water supply wouldn’t freeze and that the coach would be nice and toasty in the morning. That was pretty cool of him considering his allergies have really knocked him down the past couple of days. But then, he’s often as delicate as a Blue dog…

While we’ve been lounging around, snoozing during the day, the folks have done a few short tourist trips over the past week. On Saturday, first they went to the local farmer$ market, which turned out to be a little too rich for their blood (the “$” is there intentionally). Then they went to the Santa Fe Brewing Company with Jim and Charlene so Dad could get some more homebrew inspiration.
Tuesday they wandered off for about an hour and came back complaining they ate too much. Something about a local joint called “Tecolote Cafe” that was featured on several food and travel shows. It’s the second time we’ve smelled Carrrrrrrrne Adovada on Dad’s breath (ya gotta roll those “r”s) . Mom promised she would find a recipe and make some so we could try it as well. They were back at the coach only long enough for Dad to load the golf equipment into the car, then it was another visit to Marty’s golf facility; this time they walked the “Great 28”, a par-3 course that they played twice after the friendly golf pro said they could play over and over that afternoon for the single fee. At least they walked after that big lunch!

It was too cool for much outdoor activity on Wednesday, so Mom suggested a roadtrip to visit El Santuario de Chimayo, which is known as the “Lourdes of America” as a healing place. The Sanctuary encourages visitors to take a little of the sand from the location of the chapel’s founding spot, which is said to have healing power.

Afterwards, they drove the high road towards Taos to visit a couple of pottery studios. Dad says they went to over 8100 feet above sea level, and his sinuses felt a lot better while up there away from all the cedar trees.
Well, it’s getting late and time for our evening biscuits. We hope the “magic tea” he’s drinking now lets Sinus Boy sleep tonight.
The Posse