Turn, turn, turn

No, not the wheels on the bus…
Dad spent the last two weekends at The Woodturning School in Damariscotta, Maine. It’s a hands-on place that teaches people how to make things out of wood using a lathe. He was pretty excited about the class, he got to spend two full weekends standing in front of a Oneway 1640 lathe, which is one of the top of the line lathes available, pretty sweet.

The pictures here are just some ideas for him, he did not actually make these items. What he did make were:
- A wooden goblet, umm… not sure what to do with that.
- A bottle stopper, umm… around here if ya open it ya finish it, so not sure what we are going to do with that
- A couple of spinning tops, Umm… toys that stay in one place and don’t squeek …Yawn
- A bonker, basically a wooden mallet, I think that could be used on Blue!
- A small bowl, suitable perhaps for the others to eat out of
- A jumbo 12” cherry bowl, now I know what to do with that, pass me the Fromm and fill it up!