On the road again
On the road again. Just can’t wait to get on the road again …. Go ahead and sing it, you KNOW you want to, just let your inner Willie go!
The last couple of days we have been heading our way west to see the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. We are taking the slow and easy route, not driving more than 4 hours a day, perfect for our little, I mean Ree’s, bladder.

Our first stop was in Goodlett, Texas at an RV park called the Ole Cotton Gin RV Park, and if names don’t give it away, it used to be an old cotton gin. This trip the folks thought they had us outsmarted, they crafted a foam cushion that fits in the skylight to keep the early morning sun from shinning in. Guess they though we would not need to get up and see the sunrise …. WRONG … that first morning saw all of us at the dog walk watching the sun rise over the cotton fields. The folks countered this with going to the $1 pancake, blueberry muffins, country biscuits breakfast and bringing back nothing …. game on!
Night two we stayed in Tucumcari, New Mexico, a neat little park just off of old Route 66. Unfortunately there were some grass burs, we call them goat heads, that we all got in to. They stick into our pads and hurt like the dickens! The area between Goodlett and Tucumcari is pretty much wide open spaces, covered with cotton fields, mesquite trees, an occasional green energy wind farm and in sharp contrast mile long coal trains going by every 20 minutes or so.

Today we arrived in Albuquerque and joined up with the rest of the RV club. We’re staying at American RV Park. They have a dog walk area with incredible views to the east, and a view of a construction vehicle yard to the west. And some of those goat head weeds. But it’s mostly sandy so it’s easy to avoid the goat head prickers. Before dinner the folks visited the local Camping World which is just across the interstate. Then we all played dominoes, a game called “Mexican Train”. Ree did her best to advise on strategy.
Tomorrow morning the folks plan to venture in to the “fest” to watch the balloons in the morning. The plan is to get up at 4am … Sweet!
Ree, Blue and Bentley