New Toys for the RV
The folks made some hard decisions when starting this trip - what to bring, what to leave behind. Storage space on an RV is limited, so you only pack what you know you will absolutely use. They also figured if they absolutely had to have something, well, they do have stores here in Maine.
After more than a month on the road, Mom broke down and bought some cooking toys. The first one to get used was a slow cooker. The one at home gets used a lot in the winter for chili, lamb shanks, corned beef, and carnitas. She doesn’t usually make these things in the summer (except maybe the carnitas) because they are heartier, comfort foods.
But so far, summer hasn’t reached Maine. Today was another cool one, so dinner tonight was a test drive of the new slow cooker and a recipe Mom has been dying to make, short ribs. She served these over polenta and sprinkled with chopped fresh parsley and buttered petite green peas for color.