Love Grass

The folks went to play golf today at Willow Springs, we stayed back at the RV.
Blue and Bentley watched out the windows for squirrels and barked at each one they saw, there was a lot of barking!
I kicked back and got as much beauty sleep as I could, after all I’m a princess.

When the folks came back from golf they described the course as a very nice low par course, which they said means lots of par 3 holes. They also said the greens and fairways were well protected with native clump grass which was very thick and tall, this was advertised as special Love Grass.
If a ball was hit just a few inches into this stuff if was near impossible to find. Depending on how deep into the grass a shot was hit it was referred to as some love . . . a whole lot of love . . . or too much love.
They said that you could go into the grass and usually find a ball, just that it was rarely the one you hit in. Sometimes you found yourself playing with other people’s balls, or special love. I’m not sure I understand this but Dad thought it was funny. This is a picture of the love grass, can you see the ball at the edge?