Freeport Rules!

The last few days we have been visiting Freeport, Maine, home of LL Bean. The weather has been fantastic, days in the mid 70’s, nights in the 50’s.
What we really like is that the sun rises just before 5am, and as the sun rises so must the Spuds!. The folks seem to be somewhat unsure of this early rising but that’s just tough!

The campground is getting a 12 paws up, that’s 4 up from each of us. It’s the Freeport-Durham KOA and it has lots of wide open spaces for us to run and explore plus it has big grass fields and nice gravel pads, those help keep our paws clean. The sites alternate direction so coaches share utility sides and patio sides, this way the patios don’t face the utilities, very nice, plus the space between sites is huge, you could easy put in another coach, nice and wide! We all like that it’s still early in the season, so the noisy children are all still in school and the tourist buses haven’t swarmed into town so it’s very pleasant to shop.
Plus since the campground isn’t busy, we can catch a few zzz’s during the day while the folks are out, so we’re more relaxed, better rested, and ready to go again at 5 AM!
The folks have been on a seafood binge, seafood newburg, clam chowder (that’s chowdah), scallops, steamers and whole lobsters. They said something about enjoying having good seafood mongers to go to. They also learned the hard way that the largest pot in the coach doesn’t quite hold 4 pounds of steamers. The local grocery store will actually cook your lobsters for you while you wait and they don’t charge extra. That means the folks can enjoy our company while they eat their lobsters (and Blue can sneak a taste from the ramekin of melted butter when they aren’t looking). Then we all have wild Maine blueberry ice cream for dessert.
In addition to the seafood there has been quite a bit of shopping, we can smell some new toys in the cabinet and they smell good. Dad came back with several pairs of new Clarks sandals, he is quite the shoe ho’. They also went to LL Bean’s bike and boating store yesterday and bought me a bright red PFD. That stands for “Puppy Flotation Device”. On the summer trip last year I discovered my inner Mark Spitz here in Maine, and when I’m in the water I get so excited I just swim wherever and don’t want to come back in. Then I get all tired out and it’s hard to swim back. My big paws are excellent paddles but they are really heavy when they’re wet.

The folks have also been fitting in a little golf at the local “country club”. $10 to walk 9 holes each lets them afford all the shopping and seafood and still get some exercise.
We can’t wait to come back to this campground next year and hopefully stay longer.