HWH Filters and Bowls

Our HWH pump began to cycle more frequently than normal so it was time to search for air leaks. We found one of push fittings attached to a check valve leaking and replaced it with an higher quality DOT approved fitting. We also replace a few of the other fittings in that area (HWH Pump Bay) for good measure.

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HWH Valve Replacement

From time to time the leveling solenoids on the front and rear hwh six packs develop leaks. The leaking of the o-rings is easy to find with the soap bubble test, and replacing them an easy project. Leaks inside the valves, at the seats, or internal o-ring, can be more difficult to diagnose and often exhibit themselves as leveling issues.

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VacuFlush Pump Rebuild

Our Magnum Opus VacuFlush toilet was taking longer than typical to pump down to the shutoff vacuum. Some of that was due to the higher elevations here in Santa Fe, but some of it was just age.

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HWH Pump Rebuild

I ordered an HWH minor service kit and set of brushes so I could do a rebuild of the pump to make it “like new”. The minor service kit arrived after a couple of months of waiting. The brushes however have not arrived and the manufacturer does not seem to be in any rush to make any.

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Bedroom Mattress

You would think that the most difficult thing in replacing a mattress would be to dispose of the old one. In this case that turned out to be the easy thing to do, the difficult part was actually getting the old wildebeest out of the coach.

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